属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-露宿街头 房子的救赎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美各大银行财报出炉 Fiserv欲220亿美
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-培育土壤提高粮食产量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-侵略性物种 棘手问题
1 | 校正续流段压力落差的早期试井分析 | Early Well Testing Method of Correcting Afterflow Region Pressure Fall-off Data | |
2 | 在这个阶段,它们的鳞片脱落。 | At this stage, their scales fall off . | |
3 | 这个词似乎是从达沃斯专门小组成员们的嘴上自然流出,说明他们多年业来对此已经熟悉。 | The word seemed to fall off the lips of Davos panelists with an ease than suggested years of familiarity. | |
4 | 这些皮疹发展成为充满液体的凸起小肿块,通常开始于脸部并蔓延,但也能在身体的其它部位开始。小肿块经过几个阶段直到它们变硬,结痂和脱落。病情经常持续2-4周。 | This rash develops into raised bumps filled with fluid and often starts on the face and spreads, but it can start on other parts of the body too. The bumps go through several stages before they get crusty, scab over, and fall off . The illness usually lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. | |
5 | 这些物质积累在跗节上,将一些幼虫粘住,并使另外一些幼虫从植株上摔下来。 | This accumulated on the tarsi, immobilizing a few larvae, and causing others to fall off the plants | |
6 | 这些纤维球可能会永远粘附在织物表面,或由于摩擦而脱落。 | It may then become permanent on the surface or fall off as a result of abrasion. | |
7 | 转至下风,向下风从以前的航向转向下风处;偏向下风 | To veer to leeward from a former course;fall off . | |
8 | 字不用就废了。 | Words fall off by disuse. | |
9 | ||1:大多数长期无家可归者是精神病患者、酒鬼或瘾君子,或者是三者兼而有之。||2:帮助他们的通常的做法长期以来是“梯级解决”法:首先要求他们戒酒戒毒,然后引导他们获得临时收容和临时住所,最后,他们才被认为有资格被安置。||3:但大多数人不干。||4:即使这样做的人通常也会重蹈覆辙。||5:通常,只有不到一半人可以坚持到最后,(通常是通过补贴)得到一个稳定的住所。 | ||1:Most of the long-term homeless are mentally ill, alcoholic or drug-addicted, often all three.||2:The standard way to help them has long been the “staircase” approach: requiring them to quit drink and drugs before shepherding them through emergency shelters and temporary lodging until they are deemed ready to be housed.||3:But many refuse to sign up.||4:Those who do often fall off the wagon.||5:Typically, fewer than half make it all the way to a (usually subsidised) permanent home. | |
10 | ||1:美国的大型银行纷纷公布了第四季度的收益。||2:尽管债券和外汇交易出现下滑,但摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)净利润飙升至71亿美元。||3:美国银行(Bank of America) 73亿美元的季度利润再次创下纪录。||4:花旗集团(Citigroup)在2017年第四季度计入了226亿美元的支出,一年后公布了43亿美元的利润,这让投资者们喜上眉梢。 | ||1:America’s big banks reported earnings for the fourth quarter.||2:Despite a fall-off in bond and currency trading, net profit at JPMorgan Chase surged to $7.1bn.||3:Bank of America’s quarterly profit of $7.3bn was another record for the bank.||4:And having booked a charge of $22.6bn in the fourth quarter of 2017, Citigroup was able to please investors a year later by reporting a profit of $4.3bn. | |
11 | ||1:这种做法在尼日尔、布基纳法索、马拉维和赞比亚等国家得到了广泛运用。||2:树木种植在玉米、小米和高粱作物之间。||3:它们不仅可以通过根部增加土壤中的氮,树叶掉落并分解后也能提供氮。而||4:在一年中的其它时间,树木可以防止作物受到强烈日晒。 | ||1:The method is gaining widespread use in countries such as Niger, Burkina Faso, Malawi and Zambia.||2:The trees are planted among maize, millet or sorghum crops.||3:They not only add nitrogen to the soil through their roots, but also through their leaves when they fall off and break down.||4:At other times of the year, the trees can protect plants from strong sunlight. | |
12 | 阿里森,和北部伊利诺斯州大学的瑞查德,均好奇当叶子脱落后,这种化学物对地面有何影响。 | Allison Sacerdote-Velat, one of Dr Magle’s colleagues at Lincoln Park Zoo, and Richard King of Northern Illinois University, wondered what effect this chemical has on the world when the leaves fall off . | |
13 | 每天都会有数百万个皮肤细胞脱落,没有自然脱落的会留下灰色。 | Millions of skins cells shed everyday and the ones that don’t fall off natural can leave a grey tint. | |
14 | “会有那么多的火箭发动机碎片脱落,如果允许(航班)起飞,那么对飞机来说将是危险的。” | "So many bits of the rocket engine fall off that it would be dangerous to aircraft if [flights] were allowed. " | |
15 | “贴的瓷砖一星期之后就开始往下掉,”他说。 | "After a week, the tiles would start to fall off , " he says. | |
16 | “我会从树干上掉下去,你这个笨蛋!”鹦鹉尖声说道。 | "I fall off my perch , you stupid fool! " screeched the parrot. | |
17 | “我们经常跌入谷底,这么做我们的下场就是如此,”卡夫的一位副总裁拉塞尔·莫罗兹(RussellMoroz)说。 | "We often fall off a cliff, and that’s what we did here, " said Russell Moroz, a Kraft vice president. | |
18 | “我们看到,至少一年以来,IPO的表现越来越弱,投资者对IPO的参与水平不断下降。” | "We have seen IPO performance get weaker and weaker over at least a year, and participation in IPOs fall off further and further. " | |
19 | “只要美国经济没有坠落悬崖,亚洲经济前景基本上就会看好。” | "The outlook for Asian economies is generally good as long as the US economy does not fall off a cliff. " | |
20 | 本实用新型设计一种双挂钩防脱落衣架。 | The utility model designs a double-hook fall-off preventing coat hanger. | |
21 | 不过,研究显示十分之一的女性只过了一天就改回原来的饮食习惯,而近五分之一的女性坚持了一周以上。 | However the study showed that one in ten fall off the wagon within one day, while almost a fifth manage to make it to a week or more. | |
22 | 当新人的数量和教会的收入下降时,哈伯德下令工作人员只许吃米饭和豆子。 | When numbers of recruits and receipts fall off , Hubbard orders staffers onto a diet of rice and beans. | |
23 | 花总在初夏的正午坠落,细细密密,带着花粉和药香。 | Flowers always fall off at noon in early summer with pollen and fragrance. | |
24 | 还没写出一半,手就累死了。 | his hand will fall off before he’s halfway done | |
25 | 即使你落后了,但是只要开始按计划执行就永远不晚。 | Even if you fall off , there is never a day where it’s too late to get back on. | |
26 | 今天我看见一个流浪汉从车子上摔下来,摔破了脸,在零下40度的寒风里无助地站着。 | Today, I witnessed a homeless man fall off of his bike and land face first onto the pavement. | |
27 | 尽管如此,由于专业阶层的裁员,公司的基础会员数量有所下降。 | Nonetheless, there has been a fall-off in the basic membership due to redundancies among the professional classes. | |
28 | 旅游需求和花费的急剧下降将使整体市场规模缩小至2005年之前的水平。 | The sharp fall-off in traveler demand and spend this year will reduce the size of the overall market to pre-2005 levels. | |
29 | 铝电解电容器生产过程中电容量衰减现象的研究和控制 | Study and Control of Capacitance Fall-off in the Production of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors | |
30 | 明星也是人,穿过的衣服可能会有撕裂或衣扣脱落的情况。 | Celebrities are human, so dresses become torn and snaps fall off . |